“So, what’s with the Twitter bubbles on the front of your homepage?”, you might ask.
Our customer engagements often involve the integration of social media to their internet properties. For many, this results in the display of their Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ feeds somewhere within their website or an external property. And for many, this is a logical move.
At SUM Brand + Design we wanted to push the integration of social media a bit further and this iteration of the website represents that first step. We considered that one reason people visit our website is to view our work and the solutions we provide – but isn’t this true of every digital agency?
This website is about practicing what we preach – personalizing the experience by sharing who we are, what we’re working on, how we think and what we observe online. It’s about presenting a culture of communications and not a suite of products and services. We want you to know us like you want to know your customers.
The homepage represents the aggregation of our collective conversations, which can be sorted by categories of interest. Clicking on the @name under each post will send you to that contributors’ personal Twitter page where you can carry on the conversation – reply with a comment or ReTweet their insight.
Watch this space as we explore emerging technologies and communications.