Wireless Canada Mobile App 02

Engagement Summary

With the advent of Wireless Canada 2011, the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) looked to design and develop desktop and mobile properties to support the event.

The event is expected to attract 500+ senior government and institutional stakeholders with high-levels of influence within their respective organizations. As such, the properties are expected to clearly demonstrate CWTA’s areas of expertise in content and in the delivery of content.

The properties should support CWTA’s ongoing efforts to champion the message for their membership. With this in mind, the properties should include a highly social experience for attendees so that personal experiences can be easily shared.

Included are the development of the Wireless Canada 2011 Apps for Blackberry, iOS and Android devices as well as desktop and mobile versions of Wireless Canada website.


Leveraging a WordPress CMS solution, SUM Brand developed a delivery system that supports content distribution across a number of platforms. This integrated approach allows CWTA content managers to publish content once, but have the information delivered to desktop and mobile websites as well as Apps developed for iOS, Android and Blackberry devices, while optimizing the experience for each platform.

The integration of user contributed content is a key component of the project and as such, leveraging the Twitter API allows participants to share their stories simultaneously across each platform.