Discover Aviva 01

Engagement Summary

A growing segment of Canada’s population are the Zoomers. As a result, Aviva Canada developed a personal lines package, specifically designed to address the unique needs of this demographic. As an agency committed to the broker channel, Aviva desired to ensure that their broker community was well educated on the people and the product. Secondly, Aviva wanted a public-facing campaign to share this new product line as well as demonstrate their community involvement.


Working in close consultation with Aviva staff, SUM helped to identify and address the specific project objectives in the context of the organization’s broader communications needs for this audience segment. SUM developed a comprehensive brand and online campaign focused on increasing public awareness and reinforcing Aviva’s core product offerings.

The campaign consisted of two parts – brokers (Discover Aviva) and consumers (Rediscover You).

Discover Aviva was a multi-faceted education/evangelism micro site that allowed brokers to get acquainted with the ideal customer for the product line. A series of customer vignettes was produced and included videos, a library of regionalized content, and supporting quiz modules that allowed brokers to test their product knowledge. Brokers were also given the opportunity to share the campaign amongst their peers by using an eSharing tool designed by SUM. An individual’s activity on the site was rewarded with ballots toward winning a variety of prizes.

Rediscover You was a public awareness/client acquisition micro site designed to inform consumers about Aviva’s new product line, and provide them with the opportunity to obtain a quote through Aviva’s broker network. Consumers were given the ability to watch an informative video as well as share the campaign using social media tools.

Key Strategies

  • Elevate Aviva brand through an engaging public awareness campaign for brokers.
  • Educate brokers and position Aviva as key provider of Zoomer insurance products.
  • Leverage technology to keep brokers engaged in the campaign – create a unique and rewarding online experience.
  • Educate consumers about Aviva’s Zoomer products and services.
  • Drive consumers to contact their broker for a quote.


The successful launch of Discover Aviva and Rediscover You saw weekly increases in user participation. Brokers made regular visits to the site – in excess of 2,000 unique visits; viewing 4,000 educational videos; downloading 4,500 fact sheets; correctly answering over 5,000 questions about the product line; and, sharing the site with more than 1,000 of their colleagues.

Additionally, brokers referred the site to their customers, resulting in over 1,500 unique visits to Rediscover You.